Saturday 26 October 2019

Fifth Blog Post: Dating and Marriage

    This week in class we learned about marriage. We learned that 60-80% of Americans cohabit and are 3x more likely to get divorced. We discussed that couples who cohabitate don’t share everything like how married couples do. They keep most of their lives separate. For example, they have separate jobs and pay their own bills. They usually just live in the same residence. It is the total opposite for married couples. Once you get married, you share everything with your spouse. For example, the same last name, finances, car, etc. A good saying for this would be “what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours.” 
    This week in class we learned about dating. We learned that people don’t go on dates as much as before, but we dating is a good thing. Dating allows you to meet more people and see what you like and don’t like in a person. Many people think that in order to go on a date, you need to know the person beforehand. But that is not the case at all. The whole reason for going on a date is to get to know someone. 
    It is good to plan when going on a date. You will be able to experience how that person reacts in certain environments and situations. It is also more fun when you plan things. You can plan activities that might be new to the person and can help them get out of their comfort zone. It is not good if you stay in the same environment and do the same things. We discussed that if you do this, you can really only see the person in one way. You will only talk about the same things and it will probably be things that aren’t important or help you see if you really like the person. 
    KNOW-QUO: I=T+T+T. This is the know-quo formula. The first T stands for talk. This is the stage where you share your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. You get to know each other a little bit better. The second T is togetherness which is where you share a variety of activities. This is the stage where you go on dates and have fun. The last T is time and this is the stage where you really get to know the person more. You continue to talk and go on dates. We learned that it takes a minimum of 3 months to get to know someone.
    In class, we did an activity where we got into groups and listed down three traits we want in a partner. The three traits that my group and I came up with was fun, hardworking, and kind. I believe that this is a pretty good list of traits that I’m pretty sure everyone wants in a partner. 
Some tips for going on more dates is by associating yourself with different groups of people. Another tip is for girls to ask guys! I know that may seem weird since it’s always guys asking girls but switch it up! Guys like when girls ask too. It shows them that the girl isn’t afraid to go after what they want. Always say yes! Never turn down a date. Even if you don’t like the person, you’ll make a new friend and gain new experiences. The main point is to go on dates and have fun! 
The last thing I’d like to share is a quote that Elder Bednar shared with us at devotional. It is “You don’t find the perfect relationship, you create it.” Marriage and relationships always take work. It is hard but it is possible.

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