Saturday 2 November 2019

Sixth Blog Post: Dating and Marriage Continued

    This week in class we continued to talk about dating and marriage. We still discussed the importance of going on dates and getting to know people better. We also still discussed the importance of marriage. Something new that was introduced was creating great relationships, stress and prayer, and what goes hand in hand within the 4 steps of a relationship.
    On the board, my professor wrote Date- to know, to grow, to show. What I perceived from this is that when you first start going on dates with someone, you get to know them. You learn about their interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes, family, etc. They also get to learn these things about you as well. Once you reach courtship, you grow together. You will go through disagreements, trials, and won’t always see eye to eye. You will have to rely on each other and overcome it together, leading to growth in the relationship. Lastly, I think to show means that people will recognize how strong the love you have for each other is and it shows them the incredible bond you share. 
    Another thing he wrote on the board was Create- great friendships, great experiences, great marriage. Creating great friendships starts with being outgoing and friendly. When you are outgoing and friendly, people feel comfortable being around you. It allows them to have fun and makes them feel welcomed. This will lead to you hanging out with them which will create a friendship. When you have created a friendship with someone, you’ll most likely have great experiences with them. For example, some of my greatest experiences with my friends include going camping at the beach, staying up late at night conversing, and even being here at college. These experiences will create memories that will last you a lifetime. Lastly, creating a great marriage. Marriage isn’t easy and it’s something you’ll have to work on for the rest of your life. You get out what you put into it. If you make your marriage a priority, you will see it succeed. Like Elder David R. Bednar said at a Devotional from a few weeks ago, “you do not find the perfect marriage or the perfect partner, you create it.” 
    Dating, courtship, engagement, and marriage. We discussed what went hand in hand with these four steps in a relationship. With dating comes knowing and becoming. You’ll get to know each other and hopefully you’ll become better and happier people. With courtship comes knowing and practicing. You’ll continue to get to know each other better but will start to practice things that you would do if you were to get married. With engagement comes wedding and marriage preparation. You’ll start planning for your wedding and preparing to share your lives together. With marriage comes the question, should I? Now that you are married, you can no longer think about yourself.You have to think of what’s best for your spouse as well.  Before you make a decision, you have to ask yourself should I? If it doesn’t benefit both yourself and your spouse, you probably shouldn’t do it. 
    With all relationships comes stress. It is unavoidable. What is a good way to help relieve stress? Prayer. Praying for strength, help, and peace can help to relieve stress. When you ask God for something, he will give it to you when he feels it is best. A good quote to go along with this is from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He says, “God cares about you. He will listen. He will answer your prayers.” God is peace and can help you get through stress. Just remember, stress is only temporary and will go away.

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